The village of “Nemelkau” found.

Carl Alois Nemelka told his children that the Nemelka family had originated in a place called “Nemelkau,” which supposedly means “Nemelka’s yard or property.” But no one knew where this place was. Well, it looks like we may have finally found it.

I came across an old online map of Bohemia (1801) at and randomly zoomed in on a spot just to see how far it would allow me to zoom in. After about 4 clicks, there in front of my eyes in the center of the page was a town named “Nemelhau.” The spelling is slightly different from what was passed down from Carl, but the “Nemel” prefix is there and the location is consistent with where most known Nemelka’s lived at the time (in the Sudentenland, south west of Tetschen).

Following are some views of the map, with the “Nemelhau” name circled in the closest zoom:

Wide view

Slight zoom

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Closest zoom

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