Family Heritage
Listen to Larry Nemelka play his favorite German Polka music:
1. Gayle Cotterell Nemelka Memorial Service on DVD Contact Us to get your copy. First copy free for family members. Second copy or all other requests $5 per DVD. (shipping included)
Gayle Nemelka Family Photos on CD. Over 200 photos. Contact Us to get your copy. Available in both JPEG and DVD player formats. First copy of each free for family members. Second copy or all other requests $5 per CD. (shipping included) )
3. Joe and Gayle Nemelka “Family Night (Sacrament Meeting Program) January 1, 1958” Audio CD. Contact Us to get your copy. First copy of each free for family members. Second copy or all other requests $5 per CD. (shipping included)
4. “The Life Story of Helene Elizabeth Lucas Nemelka” Audio CD. Dated July 7, 1957 (age 78), includes a talk by Joseph Nephi Nemelka Contact Us to get your copy. First copy of each free for family members. Second copy or all other requests $5 per CD. (shipping included)
5. Michael J. and Gloria Nemelka Family Alpine Ward Sacrament Meeting Program Audio CD, date unknown (but Mike and Cory sound like little girls). Contact Us to get your copy. First copy of each free for family members. Second copy or all other requests $5 per CD. (shipping included)
6. “Funeral of Mary Ethel Cotterell Phillipps (mother of Gayle Nemelka February 22, 1961” Audio CDs (2). Contact Us to get your copy. First copy of each free for family members. Second copy or all other requests $5 per CD. (shipping included)